
Can algorithms create "human-quality" short stories, sonnets and dance music sets?
The competition is to determine whether people can distinguish between human and algorithmic creativity. The goal is not to replace human creativity, but to assess whether current computational technology can produce outputs that cannot be distinguished from it.

Why have Turing tests in the Creative Arts?
"It's a challenge to produce a moving piece of literature, and I think in challenging yourself to try to do it, it makes you think hard about what moves you about a story, what goes into making a story ... Thinking hard about those questions has a long tradition in the humanities, so it's just another way in which we can bring another lens to that, not in order to replace it but just to honestly consider it." - Dan Rockmore, Director of the Dartmouth College Neukom Institute for Computational Science.


Joe's Big Idea Joe's Big Idea (Special Series, NPR with Joe Palca)

These creativity challenges are organized by Michael Casey, Kirstyn Leuner, Allen Riddell, and Dan Rockmore (working at Dartmouth College)