
Ocelli System: Performance Documentation

The Ocelli system allows a user to perform audiovisual pieces by manipulating cross-modal feedback networks. Two light-sensitive analog oscillators, named Ocelliphones, produce sound which is analyzed, processed, and visualized using Max/MSP/Jitter. The visualizations are subsequently projected back onto the instruments, creating three-dimensional fields of interactive behavioral possibilities that the performer can explore.

Creating musical structure from the temporal dynamics of soundscapes

International Conference on Information Science Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA)

Heard (excerpt: pages 16 & 17) by magwhyr

Acoustic signal mixtures from the environment often manifest interesting structural properties. These features can be used to generate musical forms, but access is a problem. Here, Probabilistic Latent Component Analysis (PLCA) has been used to automatically extract independent sources from a mixed signal of environmental sounds. Excitation information corresponding to the temporal evolution of independent acoustic sources in the original environment is extracted.
Posted By stopel read more
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