Alex Dupuis


Ocelli System: Performance Documentation

The Ocelli system allows a user to perform audiovisual pieces by manipulating cross-modal feedback networks. Two light-sensitive analog oscillators, named Ocelliphones, produce sound which is analyzed, processed, and visualized using Max/MSP/Jitter. The visualizations are subsequently projected back onto the instruments, creating three-dimensional fields of interactive behavioral possibilities that the performer can explore.

Digitally Extending the Optical Soundtrack

Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference
The optical soundtrack has a long history in experimental film as a means of image sonification. The technique translates image luminance into amplitude along the vertical axis, enabling the sonification of a wide variety of filmed patterns. While the technical challenges of working with film preclude casual exploration of the technique, digital implementation of optical image sonification allows interested users with skill sets outside of film to access this process as a means of sonifying video input.
Posted By mcasey read more
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