

photosinebank is a piece for the 16-CdS and laptop. The performer controls swells of sine-wave clusters by casting shadows on the controller. This performance was recorded at the Audiotheque in Miami, FL as part of their Year-End Fest on December 26th, 2013. Listen to it here.

Carlos Dominguez, laptop & 16-CdS

Ocelli System: Alex Dupuis G'12

Ocelli System: Documentation Performance

Alex Dupuis G'12

The Ocelli system allows a user to perform audiovisual pieces by manipulating cross-modal feedback networks. Two light-sensitive analog oscillators, named Ocelliphones, produce sound which is analyzed, processed, and visualized using Max/MSP/Jitter. The visualizations are subsequently projected back onto the instruments, creating three-dimensional fields of interactive behavioral possibilities that the performer can explore.

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